HSE Policy

Statement on HSE Policy :

At AECO the Occupational Health & Safety is the prime importance and priority shall be given to avoid all such events that may prove detrimental to the Health and Safety of its personnel engaged in the day to day activities, throughout its organization. Commitment towards local and international compliances shall be of significant attributes of the Management. In its endeavor,AECO is committed to:
Provide all paraphernalia to safe guard the Health & Safety of all its personnel and others that are on its premises. Developing a continual improvement in its procedures to ensure that OH&S is upheld through constant and updated trainings on improvised procedures. Ensure that all employees and other personnel are fully aware of the consequences of accidents & illnesses and report all such events irrespective of cadre & designation for prompt action.
Be responsible & accountable for the Health & Safety programs for our personnel at all levels. Make this policy known to all personnel in the organization and to all interested parties.
AECO Management delegates responsibility to all its personnel to identify and report all such events that prove harmful to the Health & Safety of its employees and authorizes them to report all potential hazardous events irrespective of cadre & designation for timely remedial actions.